Dextro, LLC is the holding for 3 training, consulting and IT companies that serve Latin American Governments and private corporations (Mente de Obra, Dexterously and Nadja Giuffrida and Associates)
Ms. Giuffrida’s Early Years
Ms. Giuffrida is a Mexican Born American who was raised in Juarez, Mexico, arguably the most dangerous, crime-ridden city in the world. She left college at 18 to begin her own international trade business. As a teenager, she bought plastic scrap from factories in the U.S. and sold them to plastic processors in Mexico. She also sold loads of pumice stones cast-off during the iron mining process in Mexico to American jeans manufacturers who used them to “stone-wash” denim. These successful businesses provided the seed money for Ms. Giuffrida’s next venture, SINFIN, a credit bureau in Mexico.
Ms. Giuffrida sees her early years and the “bootstrapping” she had to do as a young entrepreneur as critical to her professional success. Operating her first businesses in the high stress environment of Juarez taught her the value of both conflict management and flawless implementation.
Consultant to U.S. and Latin American Governments
The opportunity given to her by the US Department of State provided her with the platform to create her consulting firm. Ms. Giuffrida has personally advised the US and Latin American governments. Her work with Latin American leaders has lead to large-scale training and education efforts to decrease unemployment, Boston economies and eradicate drug dependency and crime.
She spends 80% of her time in Mexico and Latin America working on executive development and training for Fortune 500's and social tissue initiatives such as crime prevention and growth models for Federal Governments. She is also a public speaker to young entrepreneurs, business owners and students.
Recent Awards and Recognition
Ms. Giuffrida and Dextro, LLC recently received the following awards in recognition of their work to evaluate the humanitarian benefits and measurable results of applying technology to meet a specific social need.
Learning Leader Award in Knowledge Management from Bersin & Associates
Computerworld Premier Honors Laureate for its work in the Mexico Emprende Initiative
Ms. Giuffrida was named a Cambridge Who is Who Honoree
Laureate “Woman of the year” by the National Association of Women business owners
“Professional of the year award” from Pinnacle
Honoris Causa Doctorate in learning Management by the University of Malaysia HELP
Dextro LLC
Ms. Giuffrida leads the Dextro team in developing through “Dexterously” and “Mente de Obra” unique, highly customized training solutions for Fortune 500 companies doing business in Latin America. One of Dextro, LLC’s most significant contributions to Latin American businesses is its content management system, Ignithink (formerly known as DELP, Dextro Electronic Learning Platform). The solutions of Dexterously/Mente de Obra have been deployed to over 500,000 businesses in Latin America and is currently the world’s largest source of online Spanish language educational content.
Nadja Giuffrida and Associates (NG and Associates) business solutions are diverse and include: Process Analysis and Management; Organizational and Change Management; Growth and Profitability Strategies; Career Development and Workforce Training Programs; Network and Coalition Building both in the US and Latin America.
Ms. Giuffrida continues to grow Dextro, LLC as the parent company for NG and associates solutions consulting, and the Dexterously e-learning platform. Ms. Giuffrida has also formed, a non-profit aimed at improving the lives of disadvantaged minorities promoting dignity for Mexicans in the US..’s first major undertaking is, a website devoted to Hispanic prosperity and the online home of the White House Hispanic Community Action Summits.

Ms. Giuffrida is involved in various philanthropic organizations and initiatives, including: the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, White House Initiative for Hispanic Excellence,, Mujeres en Plural, Consejo Coordinador Empresarial de Mujeres, Club de Industriales Mexicanos and the National Association of Women Business Owners. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, meditation and spending time with her family in Outdoor activities.